Sunday, October 4, 2009

"every day you make it possible"

it is fall fund-drive time. i get annoyed (as i am sure everyone does) by the end of the FIRST day of fundraising. the 1-800 # is memorized within the first hour of listening, the gifts and prizes may be alluring...but who needs another coffee mug?
so right now, i am listening to the fall fund-drive version of my favorite weekend morning activity: listening to ira glass' this american life. i love ira. i have a burning passion for his show. it brings me to tears on a regular basis, not because it is sad (and sometimes it is super sad) but because it is so honest and raw. ira is confrontational and direct. today he is doing just so, a la is hilarious and embarrassing, honest and raw...per usual. i was pretty bummed when i found out today would be focused on pledging but i kept listening...
and i found that i am not that irritated this year. i've gotten to the point where i am mature enough and disciplined enough to give regularly. (ok, they totally take it out of my account for me but when making the commitment to do so i felt disciplined.)
i believe in support. i believe in participation. i believe in trudging through the struggle to get where you (and me and we) need to be. and, mostly importantly, i believe in putting your money (or time or efforts or whatev) where your mouth is. as much as humanly possible. we are all given opportunities to do so...everyday.
so during today's program i do not have that oh i shoulda/woulda/coulda guilt. i am not rationalizing in my head how $10 is just too much. i am a part of the progress. look, i do not pledge much, i am not particularly affluent...but i pledge. as lame as it sounds: this mornings confrontational pledge drive version of my favorite radio show was a liddle slice of reassurance that i am doing A-OK! at life. ehh, ira: you get me EVERY time.
and i love that freaking coffee mug.

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