Monday, August 23, 2010

nph LOVE.

so i have definitely been neglecting my tradition of mmm. but honestly, i have had a hard time expanding my horizons! am i stuck on particular men? do i have favorites and refuse to open my mind to new man meat? i'm just not finding more men to blog about...and it will continue to be creepy(er) if i keep posting jgl items.

i dunno what to do? WAIT! but what i DO know is that i have barely tapped into my most favoritist demographic of man meat: the homosexual.
i know, i know. how rude! you say, what a statement to make! but whatever. i stand by my feelings. i love gay men. a lot. A LOT. and always have. my gay male friends are counterparts of my life like no other companion.

i mean, how can you have someone compliment your boobs, make you feel sexy and confident AND allow you to cry and blubber about ____ boy/job/drama of the day all at one sitting without feeling bashful or self conscious?
my gay bff's are honest, straightforward (no pun intended) and REAL (although often coiffed and tanned and sculpted) i can tell them anything without fear of judgement. ok, wait. they are going to judge the hell out of me BUT they are going to tell me the truth about the situation and hold me accountable. and this i love and cherish.

sigh. and seriously? what is better that a sexy gay male couple? it's like a fun sandwich of hot man meatness and awesome dance partners!

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