sometimes it drives me crazy. when i put on shoes and socks she is right behind me, like she is trying to help but in turn, only creating a hazard. she pummels down the stairs with me, at times almost knocking me over. not good. she MUST watch me in the bathroom. i am serious. the doorknob didn't work for a while on the bathroom door so i have at least trained her to stand at the door. it is not my favorite thing but it's better than her trying to get on my lap. if i take a bath, she rests her face on the side of the tub. kinda creepy at first, but again, used to it. if i sit on the couch she is always touching me or under foot. she constantly seeks my approval and guidance. she is always looking out the window for me to return. in the bed, her arm/leg/head/entire 70lb body is always draped over mine. always. ALWAYS.
zeezee represents everything i am not (or was at one time in the past and worked diligently to change). she is needy, anxious when alone, she tries waaay to hard to get the cats that hate her to like her. (chasing and humping things 1/10 of your size is a poor choice, i tell her but she continues to try)...she is super touchy and insecure. her favorite song is "party in the usa" by miley cyrus. in people those are all of the things i despise. if i portray those qualities i feel weak and immediately remedy the situation.
i am extremely empathetic towards her because she is a sweetheart and i understand why she acts the way she does. her desperation and devotion are signs that i am training her correctly, even when she almost rips my arm off at the sight of a squirrel/leaf/rock at the park. i have had her about 6 months and she has come a looong way.
zeezee represents everything i am not (or was at one time in the past and worked diligently to change). she is needy, anxious when alone, she tries waaay to hard to get the cats that hate her to like her. (chasing and humping things 1/10 of your size is a poor choice, i tell her but she continues to try)...she is super touchy and insecure. her favorite song is "party in the usa" by miley cyrus. in people those are all of the things i despise. if i portray those qualities i feel weak and immediately remedy the situation.
but overall, she gets better everyday. i love the crap out of this dog and think that as much as she represents all that isn't me, her loyalty towards me is admirable. she plays fair with smaller dogs (most of the time) and has an unbelievably in tune conscience. she is goofy and kind but she will act like she is going to rip your face off if you come into my house and she doesn't know or like you. this is a plus considering i am not in a yuppie neighborhood and i live alone.
so anytime this mess of a pooch makes me want to scream i remember that i envy her unconditional love and loyalty. i can do no wrong to her and she lives completely and utterly for me. and her kong. and this is nice.
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