Tuesday, December 22, 2009

hiberation ain't so bad.

i HATE winter. i used to love it. i grew up in snowy bflo, ny. it was a difficult adjustment once i moved south...(i.e. NO snow on christmas. are you kidding me?) i even stayed near the snowy mountains for college. in the nnw it never gets super cold, which i really liked. but i am sure, like most people, the rain would have eventually gotten to me...although it would have taken a long, long, long time. one time i had to drive to montana because i really missed snow. i got stuck in a blizzard in idaho and almost killed myself and my car, ending up at a spooky truck stop and drank beers with some alcoholic pilots...their "glory days" stories will make you stay FAR away from planes...then i accidentally walked out on my tab and snoozed in my car until it was safe to drive back...but that another story for another day.

so i converted. sold my soul to the south. LOVE the summer. BRING ON the heat, the humidity, outside play, OUTSIDE! every fall now i get a little depressed...bringing out my leather boots cheers me a bit but then it's back to cold weather contempt when the dogs INSIST on getting me out of my warm, cozy bed. i pout. i complain a little. a grouch appears. then i get over it. being grouchy takes it toll, after all.

sooo...introducing the top five BEST things (according to me) about winter!!!


my super inspiring, head-on-her-shoulders friend n and i discussed this last year. winter=an excuse to sleep more. don't feel like getting up and out of your super cozy bed? DON'T! sleep a little longer, relish the covers and the warmess (or at least get back into the bed-please let the dogs out if they need to go i don't recommend ignoring them...nor does your carpet. or floor... you get the hint)...don't ignore your yawn, INDULGE in it! take a nap, a snooze, go to bed at 8pm...whatever! enjoy the extra S.L.E.E.P.

as in temperature hot.
soup tastes better when it is cold outside. hot cocoa is a wintertime STAPLE. pasta is more comforting. mac n cheese? nuf said. take the time to eat, enjoy and be internally warmed by hot stuff.

burberry fall

layers layers layers....scarves, sweaters, tights, vest, jackets, boots, socks, leggings, hats, muffs, wraps...etc., etc...eat a little too much of the aforementioned hot stuff? not a problem! throw on a couple extra t-shirts, long sleeved wonders and a cute little coat and no one will ever know you have some extra padding attached to your body. you've got a few months to worry about getting rid of it so PACK IT ON. or in.

4. FOG!!!
it is just awesome and doesn't come around as much in other seasons.


in winter you get to wrap yourself up and rush to the car...into the building...over there, over here, and FAST, lest your nostrils freeze together. I LOVE THIS! it makes everything feel so thrilling! and getting where you need to be is like a race or a big deal...who cares if it is lame once you get there...getting there was so challenging and whew! what an adventure! it makes me happier to see those i am visiting. my destination is sweeter upon arrival. i feel accomplished.

and if you disagree, well, refer to numero uno.

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