seriously, girl. i dig your music. i like to tic
tok and not stop just as much as the next girl BUT, seriously. this is, like, the worst case of sex hair i have ever seen and then it totes grosses me out cause i think about what kind of sex you must be having to get your hair like
that and then i am all disturbed and
i mean...take this
por example. very cute shoes, skirt is money, t-shirt, sure! maybe to a ball game or
lowe's on a
saturday morning...but together? what kind of look is this? i thought rock/pop stars tried to cover up their drug addictions...not
accentuate them via clothing and accessories?!
i am sure there is a nice, pretty girl under all that...glitter? is that glitter? or are those things people stuff in envelopes for lame party invites that get all over the damn place then the dogs and cats eat them and then they are
really all over the place and did you only cry out of one eye there? were you laying down? and...roots are cool? really? roots?
i'd rather just listen and not look, thank you.