i have some super, duper plans on turning my little house into the bungalow decorated, recycled material, sustainable haven it sooo deserves to be...but i'll tell you about that later ;)
main priority of focus this spring: massive flower garden. i am going to turn the sunny side of my house into a flower patch. i buy TONS of flowers in the summer, pretty much always have fresh flowers in my house so now i save money and have a lovely view coming down the street!!! BUT i am going all out. best flowers money can buy, hence using tax money surplus.
cattle fence. since winter bombarded my back yard with snow, the horrid kudzu and debris in the yard has become somewhat manageable looking. plans for chainsawing the crap out of more of the yard and expanding the fence for my little pooches to have lots of luscious running space will go into full effect as soon as weather permits.