truly very difficult to not have this post be entirely about brian kinney but i'll admit that michael was a little dreamy throughout the years. he always kinda got on my nerves being all whiny and such but he's a great character and he would let brian had it when he got pissed!
oh, ethan. you were so creepy with your goatee and violin street skills. but i did love that you pulled justin away from brain, if only for a second...and the scene where justin goes to you at the end of whatever season and they play the cure's lovesong i'm certain is one of the most romantic scenes EVER put on a tv show.
sigh. the early season. brian going to justin's prom and all havoc ensuing later...a little creepy right? i mean brian has to be close to 30 (i looked it up, he's 29) as the show begins and justin is 17. ewwwww.
honestly gale harold is close to perfection in my book. throughout the seasons of queer as folk you get to see him moderately to severely nude is almost every episode. you hate him and love him at the same time. he's tender and vicious. honest and manipulative. i. love. him.
so go check the show out if you haven't. if you are squeamish about sex, especially homo sex. do not. (there's a terribly boring lesbian couple plot line that pretty much makes you want to puke but i guess straight dudes could get their boob fixes there but it's minimal... go for l word if you want boobs, dudes.)
i love this show. i love these characters. i love babylon.
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