Tuesday, August 31, 2010
goodbye august.
see you next year, summer.
Monday, August 30, 2010
so queer.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
maybe someday.
i would paint too. and have a room to make collages in with a door that shut so the cats wouldn't get glue on their paws and have magazine scraps attached to their tails.
all of these things can be done now, i guess. maybe i should start.
Friday, August 27, 2010
i love this song cause it makes me think of 8th grade and moving to virginia and edward furlong was so cute back then but he really let himself go as a grown and man and i always thought that was such a waste but this video is so great and awesome if you are in 8th grade and i've never turned this song off if it has come on the radio i just get really excited and miss aerosmith when they used to rock.
last week i saw a video where steven tyler and joe perry were hitting each other with microphones and pushing each off of stages. sadly hilarious. but dudes, your time is up.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
— Albert Einstein
(i could have reblogged this from like, a million people i don't know but come on...it's albert einstein not like some hipster from the LES)
Monday, August 23, 2010
nph LOVE.
i dunno what to do? WAIT! but what i DO know is that i have barely tapped into my most favoritist demographic of man meat: the homosexual.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
wasting time...
the sad thing is, i haven't spent tons of time with m because i had no idea she was moving until last week. we saw each other in church, walked on the ave around the same time, crossed paths on the art walks and went to the y simultaneously...but i feel like i missed out on a close friend that was right down the street. she's only moving to nc and it's a sweet vacay spot but i'm sad.
m and i share the same views on relationships and loneliness. she met the love her life later on and lost him tragically. she reminds me that nothing is to be rushed and everything works out for what it should be. i don't find myself with that desperate desire for a "life partner" yet (mainly cause i know it will challenge me to share and play nice with others and things i don't want to have to do at home. and a ton of my friends are going through their 1st rounds of divorce. blegh.) but i feel a pang of regret for not calling her when i thought about it that one day...for not bringing her some of my apple crisp during the snow storm...our relationship is not less valuable because i neglected to do those things...but i missed opportunities to spend time with someone whom i will now feel lonesome without.
i have to go to nc this weekend to visit a dear friend in the hospital. several hours in the car will force me to deal with the current loses and transitions and questionable difficulties of the past few months. i'm glad to have the moments with m to remind me to always write that note, have that dinner and make that call. and that in the end-it will all work out, just might take a minute.
but sometimes it's ok to be lonely and sad about something that isn't there.
p.s. remember when the state did the entire cover album of this song? bahahaha. that's one of my favorite sketches!
Friday, August 20, 2010
this girl i know from high school seriously has the best taste in music. check out her new blog...http://www.aliceanddaisy.org...it's super awesome.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
forever young.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
one time on a school trip in college for african art we had an afternoon free and i spent it putzing around the smithsonians. i listened to joni mitchell and felt so peaceful. in mexico we went to unbelievably amazing museums of kahlo and trotsky. i listened to santana and felt inspired and determined and mysterious. one spring break i went with my parents again around dc and my mom and i split up and i listened to ani and i was scared and sad.
every year i try to go to dc and see the same old stuff...but it's always new. i'm not sure what i listen to this year....ginsberg...jazz? the new arcade fire? johnny cash? i'll let you know how i felt...
Friday, August 13, 2010
26 out of 30 ain't bad.
2. A weekly income that covers the rent (or mortgage payment)
3. An orgasm
4. Always enough toilet paper
5. A hair stylist she trusts
6. A favorite song, porn site, image, movie or fantasy that always gets her in the mood
7. Health insurance
8. A signature drink
9. A healthy relationship with her parents
10. Bras in the correct size
11. Enough alcohol in her home to offer drop-by guests a cocktail
12. An emergency hangover remedy
13. A voter registration card
14. A wardrobe that includes the perfectly flattering little black dress, a great pair of heels, jeans that make her ass look great, and a cute hat that hides a bad hair day
15. A yearly appointment with her gynecologist
16. The name of reliable movers to give her friends when they ask for help relocating
17. The gumption to ask a man out
18. A group of girlfriends who get it
19. A set of tools (and the ability to use them ... even if it’s just to hang a piece of art)
20. A balanced checkbook
21. No interest in men who just aren’t that into her
22. A vacation to look forward to at least once a year
23. A good bulls**t detector
24. The courage to stand up for herself and her beliefs
25. A favorite sex position
26. A set of hand towels so guests don’t have dry their hands on her bath towel (gross!)
27. Enough self-love to avoid and break off unhealthy friendships and relationships
28. A commitment to exercise
29. A retirement fund
30. A great vibrator
don't laugh. this website is a great way to relax and get moderately decent -> bad advice...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
who says?
ok, ok. we all know how much i used to make fun of john mayer and then fell madly and unabashedly in love with his tunes...this album came out last year and fell right in line with my previous summers obsession with the music of the man.
it's been on my playlist A LOT lately and makes me sad and comforted at the same time. look. i'm sorry. i love being young and ready for anything and blah blah blah but come on there is a certain amount of worry and fear that everyone seems to forget about. we only remember the fun stuff...like being 22? in reality i was insecure and lost and irresponsible. i had no idea who i was or what the eff i was doing...but all i remember now is being free and traveling and only answering to myself...that was pretty sweet.
(i love this video for several reasons: 1. he's hot. but 2. mainly cause in one scene he has the half baked movie poster in the background...that came out in 1998...when mr. mayer was 22 and i'm assuming was gallivanting around nyc)
now. i'm not saying imma go fly outta the country and smoke a bunch of dope...but remember the time when that was a much more feasible option?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
i love the sun!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
:( no more?
most reasons are pretty menial but altogether weighing on me:
- the departure of one of my oldest, truest friends :(
- my impeding 30th birthday :( :( (we all try to pretend like we don't care about age but once that major one hits that isn't about more freedom & privilege BAM.)
- big girls decisions, waiting for answers, arghhh...what's that again? oh yeah, S.T.R.E.S.S. :( :( :(
- how i really do need a new pair of jeans cause the others i have are too big and have been for a while now. i can use that birthday discount and not feel guilty :)
- how lucky i am to have hard decisions to make, like, thank god i don't live in a world where my future is determined for me and i am trapped and unable to be free. (heavy i know but seriously, gets you out of being whiny & pathetic every time.) :) :)
- how i love the fleeting days of summer...cause they last FOREVER here. i never get sick of the heat. i do enjoy the fall but i looove how summer stays too long :) :) :)
- how this summer i realized how much i enjoy a movie theater visit. (many thanks to leonardo dicaprio and joseph gordon-levitt for being my crushes since 1991, without the both of you in a film, i would never gone to the big, expensive theater to see your awesomeness. twice.) :) :) :) :)
- so i may not be into the birthday this year but i'll muster up the strength to enjoy the birthday PARTY!!! :) :) :) :) :)