Tuesday, July 13, 2010

over it.

it has been a super stressful few weeks in the life of me. i decided to (per usual) pile too much on my plate...but i must say, i can manage pretty well after all these years of going batshit every time something caught me off guard.

BUT. one of my super stresses has been related to some volunteer work i do that is church related and maaaaan has it been keeping me up at night and hurting my heart. the drama has been so detached from the actual work i have had to think looong and hard about why i do what i do again. then i surround myself with the kids i work with and reality check back in but DANG.

i've been diplomatic, polite, snarky, firm, kind, compassionate, bitchy, confrontational, passive, overbearing and sarcastic. nothing has gotten through to some of those who are supposed to be in their position due to great faith and leadership. it is bumming me out.

i'm totes not the only one who thinks that church ruins god/faith/community a lot of the time...i just hope to get out from underneath this heavy weight. and soon.

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